Space Duel on BW/GT PCB (Was Re: Cinematronics vector gen)

From: Scott Swazey <>
Date: Fri Apr 03 1998 - 15:55:23 EST

At 01:49 PM 4/3/98 -0500, Paul Kahler wrote:
>Too Bad Gravitar & Black Widow aren't able to run on the Space Duel
>board or the other way round. Anyone looked into this???

I think it is possilble to run SD on a BW/GT board set. I've got both
boards and I am willing to try it, but I need schematics for the BW or GT
(B-Size please :-). [Oops, Just found the B-size ones on spies] I talked
to Gaymond 6 months ago about this. He said he had, at one time, a
prototype GT/BW made from a hacked up SD. Comparing the two PCBs, the
major difference, aside from RAM/ROM sizes, was that SD did not have the
DAC_REF scaling DAC (i.e. no linear scaling) installed. However, this may
not be a problem as the SD software may initialize it even though it's not
there. I'll post an update in a few weeks.


BTW Paul, I've got one of the Star castle clones PCB that has the DAC on
the main board. It works with a XY scope (or WG xy), last time I used it.
I think I also added the bank extention to allow it to run solar quest.
I'd be willing to loan it to you for the sake of the cine menu project.
I'm just not sure how fast I can get it to you. LMK


Scott Swazey QUALCOMM Incorporated Work: (619) 657-2419 V-209H Pager:(619) 683-5210
Received on Fri Apr 3 13:01:50 1998

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