6809 assembler and dasm question

From: Jeff Hendrix <jeffh_at_diac.com>
Date: Sun Apr 12 1998 - 11:45:33 EDT

I've downloaded several 6809 assemblers, but haven't used any yet. I was
wondering what the best one to use?
Also, I've been using Sean Riddle's 6809dasm program and have noticed that
it puts data and ascii next to the memory addresses it came from. This
won't work for assemblers (at least the ones I've used in the past). It
needs to have a way to define bytes (db?) and ascii for the assembler.

Jess, I have a suggestion for your dissassemblers. Put in some kind of
switch to turn off the address: that leads every line, and make it enclose
data and ascii in whatever directives the assembler needs.
It would also be cool to have it put a label for a subroutine where the
assembler expects it (I assume this should still be to the left of the
first instruction of the subroutine)



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Received on Sun Apr 12 08:43:03 1998

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