Hi Clay...me again...the vector pest!
Cool. Thanks for the info. I'll be looking for one when you're done.
So, is it true that there is a way to hook Sega vector games up to
a wells monitor? Is it written up somewhere? I'm asking as I'm
about to become the owner of a Star Trek conversion and I'm sure
somewhere along the way, the electrohome monitor is going to die -
it seems unavoidable from all I've read about these monitors so I'm
just trying to gather information that will assist me in making sure
this game lives on beyond it's monitor. (Man! is that a run on
sentance or what??) Anyway, any info on performing this switch would
be appreciated. Thanks!
Tom Cloud
>From owner-vectorlist@spies.com Mon May 11 16:30:12 1998
>Received: by goonsquad.spies.com
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>Message-ID: <F114916AA2EED011B8E2006097C401E39E5EBE@supra.com>
>From: Clay Cowgill <ClayC@diamondmm.com>
>To: "'vectorlist@spies.com'" <vectorlist@spies.com>
>Subject: RE: Display Corrector...
>Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 16:24:10 -0700
>MIME-Version: 1.0
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>Sender: owner-vectorlist@spies.com
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>Reply-To: vectorlist@spies.com
>CC: Clay Cowgill <ClayC@diamondmm.com>
>> Long time no talk. I'm new to the vectorlist and your post has
>> peaked my curiousity... I have a few questions about it - if you have
>> a few minutes could you clear up a few of them for me??
>I was going to just reply to Tom directly, but I figured there might be
>other people new to the list...
>> Are you saying here that you'll be able to hook up a WG XY monitor to
>> other games such as Sega XY games? (In place of that electrohome
>> monitor?) How about the b/w cinematronics games - like space war? ;^)
>The Display Corrector takes the X and Y deflections signals from a
>vector game (presumably Major Havoc or Star Wars, but it should work on
>anything) and applies a mathematical "correction factor" to the X
>to help correct the "pincushion" effect seen when running Star Wars (or
>MH) on a Wells Gardner monitor. The same effect is present in Sega
>Vector games when running on WG monitors.
>There's a couple other people working on Cinematronics->WG display
>adapters. I haven't tried yet, but might give it a go if someone else
>doesn't come up with a pre-packaged solution. ;-)
>The display corrector seems to make a big difference when running Star
>Wars on a Wells Gardner monitor. It's subtle, but makes the display as
>a whole much more "pleasing". It's tough to describe. I think TravisH
>and ChrisH have seen it running on my machine-- maybe they can describe
>it better...
>I did a little web-page about it a long while back:
>> Will you be notifing the maillist when these are finished?
>Yep, I'll fire off a little blurb about it.
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Received on Mon May 11 17:12:11 1998
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