WG6102 schematic

From: Keith, Brendan <Brendan.Keith_at_wilcom.com>
Date: Tue May 12 1998 - 17:11:07 EDT

Where can I find the above schematic. I have one for the 6100 or 6101
that uses the P317, P318 and P319 boards but the 6102 uses
P327, P328 and P329. Specifically, I think that the HV board (P329)
is dead. Is the LED near the 555 supposed to light when it is
I have put my scope on the output of the 555 and there's no waveform.
I just don't want to have my hand in there when it comes to life.
Also, lack of HV is no reason for the spot killer LED to be on, right?
Looks like I may have multiple problems with this monitor.

Thanks in advance,
Brendan Keith
Received on Tue May 12 14:13:10 1998

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