At 04:39 PM 5/13/98 -0700, Clay wrote:
>In the Murphy's !@#$!@# Law category...
>The only reliable source of Motorola MC1495's (used in the display
>corrector and Atari Vector Generator) seemed to be Newark Electronics
>(Farnell) for about $5 a pop in surface mount.
>That's not too bad compared to $10-14 ceramic DIP parts elsewhere, so I
>designed the display corrector PCB around the surface mount version.
>So, low and behold, I go snooping around the web today and what do I
>$1.50 MC1495's in Plastic DIP! @^#$%^@%$^@!!! Anyway, I bought a
>bunch, so I'll probably be changing the PCB to use DIP parts instead of
>SOIC. (Grumble, grumble...)
Clay, you should still leave the SMT footprint and just include the DIP
footprint. That way you could put either a DIP part or a SMT part where the
1495's go. Yes?
Received on Thu May 14 07:28:48 1998
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