> > So, is it true that there is a way to hook Sega vector games up to
> > a wells monitor? Is it written up somewhere?
> > be appreciated.
> >
> Yep, there's a way to do it. I think it was just a couple op-amps to
> perform some input matching to the monitor. I want to say that David
> Shoemaker did the original write-up? I think Al has it on the Spies
> archive. If not, I know I have a copy printed out somewhere.
Actually, it was me, David Shuman. Certainly I do not mind being
mistaken for the distinguished Mr. Shoemaker, but I felt the need to set
the record straight... :-)
Last time I saw a copy of my Sega-to-WG post it was on Kevin Phillips'
-- David S. Shuman (now David S. Shuman, J.D.!) University of Virginia School of Law '98Received on Mon May 18 15:03:58 1998
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