> G'day Clay (and folks),
> Below you say that the corrector will be configured for SW or
> MH...what
> about Quantum? Is anyone else planning to use it on a Quantum PCB in
> an
> older Atari cabinet like my Space Duel?
Hmmm. I suppose that's right... Quantum did run on an Amplifone didn't
it? The display corrector can pretty much be used with anything that
doesn't have a "corrector" already built into it. (Black Widow/Gravitar,
Tempest, Space Duel all have it built in.) (You *can* hook it up to
something with a corrector built in, but it makes for some pretty weird
displays... ;-)
One little "neat" thing about the corrector is if you add a SPST switch
in series with the Y-axis input signal you can use that as a "corrector
on/off" switch. Handy if you're going to attach the corrector to a
monitor rather than a PCB... (Or for just checking if it's *really*
doing anything. ;-)
When I sell the correctors on RGVAM I'm only going to bill it as a Star
Wars/Major Havoc (and maybe Quantum) fixer-upper. I figure most people
on this list are willing to tinker with it for fun, but I don't want to
WITH MY ASTEROIDS BOARD!@!?" type questions from people that probably
shouldn't be installing it in the first place... ;-)
> ps - I have the Space Duel->Major Havoc converter board by Atari...as
> I
understand it, this does the same thing as Clay's Display
It should. I ended up changing the design quite a bit because for some
reason or other the Major Havoc type corrector didn't work particularly
well for Star Wars. I settled on a variable-correction factor that lets
you dial in the about of change you want. (So that it would
theoretically work on G-08's or whatever else...)
Received on Mon May 18 17:27:56 1998
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