Re: stuff I'm bringing to Cinefest...did I forget anything?

From: Zonn <>
Date: Fri May 22 1998 - 14:14:02 EDT

On Fri, 22 May 1998 10:20:14 -0700, "Ozdemir, Steve" <>

>G'day Zonn,
>BB PCB, CC PCB, Demon PCB, spare AA PCB, HP5004A, Cinematronics
>Exercisor, portable EPROM burner, portable dual variable power supply
>and multimeter. I probably should bring some basics like soldering
>iron, extention cord and some basic tools just in case. One thing I
>don't have is oscope probes.
>Did Gaymond have a chance to drop of the scope at your place? Have I
>forgotten anything??

Wow it's a good thing I subscribe to vectorlist or I wouldn't get all my mail!

(Soldering Iron? What's a solder iron?)

I'll let Steve know that I actually own a complete soldering station -- WITH
SOLDER! -- in a private email. Or maybe he's reading this? Hee hee! ;^)

(Uh, not to mention a scope, many variable power supplies, a portable EPROM
burner, a K&K Exercisor, and a multimeter or two.)

Just to make this a legit post, does anybody have the documentation for a K&K
Cinematronics exercisor?



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Received on Fri May 22 11:14:31 1998

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