RE: stuff I'm bringing to Cinefest...did I forget anything?

From: Ozdemir, Steve <>
Date: Fri May 22 1998 - 14:57:18 EDT

G'day Zonn and folks,

Oops...looks like I need to apologize. My fumbling fingers got me in
trouble again! I had no intention to offend Zonn by implying that he
might have less than the ideal hacker's haven.

To be honest, I was bringing all that equipment for Monday just in case
we had to make due at Ray's place. With the recent move to San Diego,
he hasn't had time to transfer his arcade hobby equipment.

               Steven S Ozdemir
      (my company's new named)
      (good for a few more months)

ps - I even heard rumors about how Ray had sunk so low as to be playing
video games on a home console! 8^) 8^) 8^) What's the world coming to?

> ----------
> From:[]
> Sent: Friday, May 22, 1998 11:14 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: stuff I'm bringing to Cinefest...did I forget
> anything?
> On Fri, 22 May 1998 10:20:14 -0700, "Ozdemir, Steve"
> <>
> wrote:
> >G'day Zonn,
> >
> >BB PCB, CC PCB, Demon PCB, spare AA PCB, HP5004A, Cinematronics
> >Exercisor, portable EPROM burner, portable dual variable power supply
> >and multimeter. I probably should bring some basics like soldering
> >iron, extention cord and some basic tools just in case. One thing I
> >don't have is oscope probes.
> >
> >Did Gaymond have a chance to drop of the scope at your place? Have I
> >forgotten anything??
> Wow it's a good thing I subscribe to vectorlist or I wouldn't get all
> my mail!
> (Soldering Iron? What's a solder iron?)
> I'll let Steve know that I actually own a complete soldering station
> -- WITH
> SOLDER! -- in a private email. Or maybe he's reading this? Hee hee!
> ;^)
> (Uh, not to mention a scope, many variable power supplies, a portable
> burner, a K&K Exercisor, and a multimeter or two.)
> Just to make this a legit post, does anybody have the documentation
> for a K&K
> Cinematronics exercisor?
> -Zonn
> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
> ------ ___ Member of A.A.C.S.:
> |---- | ( ) Association for Artistically
> / / ( () ) Challenged Signatures
> / / //\\ // (__)
> / ---/ // \\ //\\ // zonn @ zonn . com
> -------| // \\/
Received on Fri May 22 11:58:55 1998

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