Tech: Star Wars has partial graphics

From: Kgowland <>
Date: Mon May 25 1998 - 04:59:25 EDT

    My Star Wars is wacked out right now. The opening screens with high
scores and how-to-play and the scrolling attract mode all work fine. I coin-
up and start. The screen with the three Death Star selections for difficulty
comes up. The game starts and displays the cross-hairs and the lasers and the
4 laser guns on each corner. But the enemy tie fighters and Darth Vader's
ship don't show up and the Death Star in the distance jumps around a bit. The
screen seems to have a rainbow effect (similar to when you are degaussing a
tube) fade in and out. The graphics in the trench scene are all compressed to
thin lines and dots scattered about and move with the flight yoke movement.
All the while, the laser guns, cross-hair and lasers are being displayed
correctly. And when I get to where Han says "You're all clear, kid" and drop
the bombs into the shaft (can't see the opening or walls of course, but it is
easy to do blind on the easy level), the scene plays fine where you are
escaping from the Death Star as it explodes. The self test mode reports no
    This is not a problem with the monitor (a WG 6101) since it was just
recapped and works fine with Space Duel, Black Widow, Tempest and Quantum. Is
this a ROM problem or what? Any guesses or factual info is appreciated.

Kirby G
Received on Mon May 25 02:00:48 1998

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