Fwd: Re: Asteroids MPU troubleshooting

From: David Humphrey <david.d.humphrey_at_bos.frb.org>
Date: Thu Jun 18 1998 - 10:28:05 EDT

Darn, forgot to change the list name!

> Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 10:23:34 -0400
> To: vectorlist@spies.com
> From: David Humphrey
> Subject: Re: Asteroids MPU troubleshooting
> Whew!  Well, now that that's over, and we're back on-line, let's power up
> engines and get back in orbit. 
> I still need help, and I am willing to offer up some tidbits of recently
> gained knowledge to the database for troubleshooting these boards.
> 1) grounding the /VW line (pin 7 of  the '157 at K2), or other RAM address
> select lines, will cause the MPU to generate the beeps that indicate RAM
> failure for one of the RAMs (if it hasn't already).  This is a good way to
> tell how far your board has come up.  If it CAN do the beeps to tell you it
> thinks it has a bad RAM (which you just caused by momentarily  grounding
> pin), it is pretty far along.  The ROMs are probably good, the RAMs are
> probably good, and the sound is good (well, OK, that last one is a bit
> obvious).  At this point if you still have the watchdog reset problem, the
> cause is beyond this. (and I'm still trying to figure that out).  Presumably
> it is in the vector generator section of the board.
> 2) Grounding the HALT line (pin 2 at L10) will cause the MPU to indicate
> watchdog reset problems in a good board.  This indicates that the CPU is
> looking for that HALT line to continue operation, and if it doesn't get it,
> it doesn't execute that next section of code that will output the watchdog
> timer reset.  So... a bad vector state machine circuit will freak the MPU
> into watchdog reset.
> That's where I am now.  I now know I have a bad vector drawing circuit,
but I
> don't know where the problem is, all the signals I have seen look good, even
> the watchdog reset, though it is obvious now that the TIMING of the
signal is
> too far apart to stop the clock before the reset is generated.  Again, I am
> looking for input from people on known problem chips, possible points on the
> board to probe for data, anything to keep quantifying the operation of this
> board.
> Thanks guys.
> Ace

---this signature removed as a result of the ridiculous culture
   pervasive in the "political correctness" movement of the 21st
   century. Under which lawyers and politicians, greedy for
   money and full of their own inflated eqos sought to attain
   such at the expense of freedom of speech, common sense,
   and most any form of humor...---
Received on Thu Jun 18 09:26:50 1998

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