Re: FS Tempest on eBay

From: Paul Labuda <>
Date: Tue Jun 23 1998 - 12:41:44 EDT

Well, this looks like the first controversy on the New Not-At-All-Improved
vectorlist. :-) There has never been an officially stated vectorlist
policy about for sale posts, much less eBay posts. Personally, I don't
feel that an eBay post is appropriate for vectorlist, and that FS posts
should be occasional, at best. I would like to hear opinions regarding FS
posts, frequency, and eBay-style FA posts. In my experience on the list, an
occasional sale of games and parts is acceptable, but the list is intended
for technical discussion, not commerce. If you're selling a Zektor or
Quantum, on the other hand, I think we'd pretty much all agree that this is
the appropriate forum. Better yet, e-mail me directly. :-)

If you don't want to post an opinion to vectorlist, e-mail me directly at with your opinion of FS posts on the list. I
will get together with Joe to figure out an appropriate policy regarding
selling stuff on vectorlist.

In the meantime, please, no eBay auction posts, folks. Historically, the
For Sale posts have been at discounted prices for vectorlist subscribers,
or first shots at an item before it goes to RGVA[CM] to keep an item in the
vector enthusiast community.

- Paul

> On Tue, 23 Jun 1998 06:13:14 EDT, wrote:
> > <A HREF="">
> >Tempest FS</A>
> >
> >
> >
> >Kirby G
> Spam now on vectorlist? Geeze...
> -Zonn
Received on Tue Jun 23 11:41:48 1998

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