(tech) the force is not with me...

From: <sickgear_at_ix.netcom.com>
Date: Fri Jun 26 1998 - 22:21:46 EDT

Hey everyone,

As soon as I power up my newly-aquired star wars game, it blows F100 and F101 on the deflection
board and cooks the 3716 that's on the chassis kinda under the lower left edge of the deflection
board (the one closest to you if you're looking at it from the back). I know that my HV is good
and the deflection board is good (oh, BTW it's a WG tube)... what else should I be checking?

The spot killer doesn't come on and I can play the game "blind", i.e. hear game sounds.

And, since you're nice enough to read this, you get first shot at this crap:

Star Wars yoke assembly thingy (working)
Star Wars plastic front panel thingy (the monitor frame)
Untested (cuz I can't... yet) but complete star wars boardset (LEDs come on)
1 semi-working (picture jumps around all over the place) space duel board

if you see something you need make me an offer... oh, and I need a WG6100 HV PCB (preferably
complete and working).

Thats it!


Received on Fri Jun 26 21:22:22 1998

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