On Mon, 3 Aug 1998 11:44:32 -0700 , Clay Cowgill <ClayC@diamondmm.com> wrote:
>> The best bet for getting color in Cinematronics games is to hack the
>> ROMs, now
>> if I only had a job like Clay's were I had time to do these sort of
>> things...
>Heyyyy... Play nice.
I'm just envious (envious has always been a good emotion for me, it leads to an
"Oh yeah, can you do this..." attitude which is almost always a good thing.)
>Damn consultants... getting all uppity again...
Hee hee. Hey contracting's not bad just depends on the current project (this
one sucks!).
I wrote the Cinematronics emulator while working for an insane business owner
who didn't even know why he hired me!
I asked him point blank why I was there since I had done nothing since I
started, he replied: "I just think the company needs someone who's been in the
business for a while to bounce ideas off of." Having heard that, my guilt was
relieved and I spent the rest of the time working on the emulator and surfing
the net.
I loved that job! Say, you wouldn't have an opening like that would you? ;^)
(BTW: It turns out the co-owner of the company had some type of emotional
disorder and had quit taking his medicine and shortly thereafter lost control of
the company -- so says the rumor mill...)
>> ...So, Clay, You're company wouldn't be looking for any embedded
>> system software
>> engineers would they? ;^)
>:-) I make my guys work like hell, so you'll have to kill me and take
>my job. ;-) (If you're serious
> and like the Pacific Northwest
>send me
>your resume by e-mail-- we're doing a lot of embedded stuff I can't talk
>about publically... ;-)
Oh yeah:
"Zonn, could you do some research for me on this old ADC, I'm going to need it
for, uh, er, a new project we'll be working on. Yeah, that's it, we need
something like this in a product I can't tell you about. And oh, BTW, how's
that 10 board PCB run coming??"
I'd have to kill you out of spite, forget the job! ;^) ;^) ;^)
------ ___ Member of A.A.C.S.:
|---- | ( ) Association for Artistically
/ / ( () ) Challenged Signatures
/ / //\\ // (__)
/ ---/ // \\ //\\ // zonn @ zonn . com
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Received on Mon Aug 3 14:44:26 1998
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