Re: Lunar Battle

From: Mark Jenison <>
Date: Tue Aug 04 1998 - 18:15:26 EDT

On Aug 4, 3:14pm, Jess Askey wrote:
> Subject: Re: Lunar Battle
> Al Kossow wrote:
> >
> > Jess should know all the differences. I think the problem will
> > be getting the prom data for this and for Alpha 1. Both games
> > have been dumped, but I don't think it is generally available.
> I can't speak for Callan about his Lunar Battle, but I can say that Im
> sort of wary about making the Alpha 1 images available because I fear
> the game will be 'raped' by emulators. I really worked hard to get this
> game and spent years looking for something like it. I really just don't
> like the idea of 10 year olds all over the world playing my rare game. I
> guess that is a bit selfish but .... sigh.

Yes, it does. We gathered together and purchased Zektor EPROMs at a huge price
in order to keep the code from falling into the hands of someone who would
hoard it. We shared it with everyone (wasn't that whole thing how vectorlist
got started in the first place??). Anyway, yes, the game is on emulators (of
course, Lee Bender found a Zektor a few months later, who knew?) and in
multigames, but people are enjoying a NEW game (even if it is actually a OLD
game), and isn't that what gaming is really all about?

Yes, there used to be a time when I could say I was the only one in the world
playing Zektor (and I was the best in the world at that game at one point!
;-)), but I'm also glad that everyone else is playing something I that I was a
part of.

<moment of silence>

Now download the EPROMS so we can play it too ;-) ;-)

Mark Jenison E-mail address:
Cellular Infrastructure Group Motorola--Arlington Heights, IL
Received on Tue Aug 4 17:18:09 1998

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