Re: Lunar Battle

From: Kev <>
Date: Fri Aug 07 1998 - 16:55:15 EDT

Callan Hendricks wrote:

> >I can't speak for Callan about his Lunar Battle, but I can say that Im
> >sort of wary about making the Alpha 1 images available because I fear
> >the game will be 'raped' by emulators. I really worked hard to get this
> >game and spent years looking for something like it. I really just don't
> >like the idea of 10 year olds all over the world playing my rare game. I
> >guess that is a bit selfish but .... sigh.
> I don't have a problem with one emulator playing my game.I do have a problem
> with my game roms being played on everyones Space Dual/Gravitar. To own a
> prototype is a very unique experience... You more or less own the game
> design teams vision of what the game was to be. My game is unique, and I
> wish to keep it that way...
> Saying that... I do know what mod is made to a Space Dual board to allow it
> to play my Lunar Battle roms. I haven't tried putting gravitar roms in yet,
> but will do this weekend. I will document the mod, and make it available to
> ya'll...

 Okay, so Callan is going to tell us all how to convert a Space Dual board to
play Lunar Battle? Or just Gravitar/Black Widow?

Very interesting to see everyone's take on this issue, personally I'm a free
exchange sortta guy myself. I chipped in a few $$ for the Zektor buy.

I very much enjoy the ESB hack. Back in the day, reverse engineering of the
Slapstick was a big thing but now with the emulators and programmers cracking
most things, it sortta reduces the milestone that this was. Clay did a great
job of making the kit something accessible to most hobbist here.

And to me that is THE point. We are where we are today in our understanding &
appreciation of Arcade games because we have all built upon the information
given & passed on to us, which hopefully we can preserve, clarify & improve to
pass on to others.

I don't mind sitting on information, I kept quiet about the Dig Dug 2 board
conversion when Gaymond was auctioning his board off. And I sold my Super
Missile Attack boards before I made public the EPROM conversion.

Here is what I hope for today. If you have something totally unique, one of a
kind that you don't want to share with the comunity now (for whatever selfish /
profit motivated reason) fine BUT please do all you can to document it and
preserve it and then share it with atleast one confidant. Hopefully this will
help avert a tradgedy.

Kev              >>REMOVE THE ? to REPLY
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Received on Fri Aug 7 15:57:08 1998

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