Vectrex on Vector Monitor?

From: Phil Yellott <>
Date: Wed Aug 12 1998 - 03:35:27 EDT

This may be off-topic, but I think it'll be ok....

As a vector-type person, I'm thinking of getting a vectrex. Dont ask why,
just accept it. I was just sitting here, and I had a thought....Hey, I
wonder with all the talk of making MAME cabinets, and people wanting to put
playstations and such in arcade cabs, if it would be possible to use some
vector monitor ( an asteroids-type, or a cinematronics-type since thats
what I have) to run the output from a Vextrex......

I realize the overlays would have to be reproduced, enlarged, and tweaked
for accurate positioning......and something would have to be done about the
controls, but I'm an industrious person.....I think the vectrex monitor is
vertically mounted also, but that's not so big of a problem (I hope).

So some of you technically savvy people please tell me why this wont work.....

I'll still get the vectrex, and if I didnt ask this to you people, I would
always wonder.......

BTW: anyone got one for sale?

Just think! Vector Berzerk on a 19" monitor!

Off Topic, even more waaaaay out...

Anyone ever see the Dark Tower game for Vectrex? Was this a replacement
for the tower on the Milton Bradley game, or was this a version of the game
itself? I have 3 towers for Dark tower, but only one is now
working.....Anyone able to fix these? If someone could fix my broken 2,
they could keep one.....


Phil Yellott ( (
"You can always tell a Texan, but you can't tell them much."
Wanted, $10,000 reward: Schroedinger's Cat, Dead or Alive
Received on Wed Aug 12 02:41:08 1998

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