Mcfeeley upgrade problems, more downtime Thursday Aug 13 9-2

From: Mic Kaczmarczik <>
Date: Tue Aug 11 1998 - 21:43:26 EDT

The bad news is that we were unable to complete the upgrades on
mcfeeley as planned. The operating system upgrade process required us
to change the disk file system layout. We had to reconfigure and
reinitialize our RAID disk storage system, then restore over 2
gigabytes of data. This took much more time than anticipated.

We brought mcfeeley back up at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in order to deliver
the accumulated mailing list traffic for the day.

The good news is that we are now clear to do the software upgrades.
Mcfeeley will be down on Thursday August 13 from 9:00 a.m. till 2:00
p.m. in order to complete the process.

Again, we regret the inconvenience caused by the downtime.

Mic Kaczmarczik
ACITS Unix Services

-- Mic Kaczmarczik -- Unix Services -- UT Austin Academic Computing (ACITS) --

----- End of forwarded message from Mic Kaczmarczik -----
Received on Tue Aug 11 22:38 CDT 1998

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