> OK vector guys,
> What would a space wars be worth in unknown condition, but with a good
> cabinet?
> (I think I have a lead on 5 of them)
> -jeff
> jeffh@diac.com
> Buy/Sell/Trade classic video arcade games.
> www.diac.com/~jeffh/
Dunno about your question of $$$, but if they are in really good
physical shape, I'd be interested in one.
I spend a while getting ray's working- neat game. I enjoyed it while I was
fixing it.
In unknown electrical shape, I'd probably go $150.
--- Cris
Cristopher J. Rhea Mayo Foundation
Research Computing Facility Pavilion 2-25
crhea@Mayo.EDU Rochester, MN 55905
Fax: (507) 266-4486 (507) 284-0587
Received on Mon Aug 17 08:39:09 1998
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