Help with a newly acquired Tempest.

From: Bowles, Brian <Brian_at_IUSMail.IUS.Indiana.EDU>
Date: Thu Nov 05 1998 - 10:24:21 EST

Hey all,

I am new to the vector list and to vector arcade machines. I have three
restored raster games, but these vector systems are quite a different
matter. The tempest that I have comes up, but the screen
( and )resembles
lightning more than the tempest screen. Does anyone have any ideas as to
what causes this problem and what I might do to fix it? Also this cabinet,
( ) is quite
different from the ones I played in the arcades. Is this what they refereed
to as the cabaret, or is this some kind of retro fit? Thanks for your help!

Brian Bowles
Received on Thu Nov 5 09:25:04 1998

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