mouldings for vector games

From: Ozdemir, Steve <>
Date: Thu Nov 05 1998 - 16:48:04 EST

Clay's email:

        For what it's worth, Mike make a vacuum-forming mould off my
        control panel so try making some of those. He hasn't got around
        doing anything on it yet though. (Busy making Storm Trooper
suits for

        We were trying to come up with some stuff that would be neat to
        reproduce for vector games, but there really wasn't much of
anything we
        could think of. Any ideas?

G'day folks,

What about the Lunar Lander control panel? The Cinematronics stuff is
pretty straight forward, so nothing comes to mind for that batch of
games. Also, some of the sitdown Sinistar parts seem like good
candidates (like the lasers that invariably get torn off or trashed). I
assume a Sinistar seat would be out of the question (especially since
there's a procedure to fix them).

                Steve Ozdemir

ps - What about Sega XY stuff....again it strikes me as "straight
forward"? There is the Cosmic Chasm monitor insert, but I can't see a
big market for that.
Received on Thu Nov 5 15:46:41 1998

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