Re: Followup: Plastic Moulding

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Tue Nov 10 1998 - 16:19:25 EST


Can yu email me a picture of the conrtol? I might have the parts. I know
I have a red trigger plastic, and some blue housings like Tron used, but
what does this game need?

John :-#)#

Mark Jenison wrote:
> Sorry about the offtopic followup,
> The bad news is that apparently only Bill and I are interested in getting a
> Blaster joystick remade :-(.
> The good news is that someone is sending me the right half of the joystick, so
> I will have a complete joystick handle!
> I still need the thumb button and trigger (as does Bill, I believe), so I'm
> still going to borrow the complete joystick just to get these pieces remade,
> but it sounds like Tom Wisonski can help me with these parts (and he's local to
> me, so that's a big plus).
> Anyway, those parts on the Monster Bash boardset (the 4015s)? I also found a
> 4027 in one of the sockets. According to BG Micro, 4027s are 4Kx1 250 n.s.
> Dynamic Rams, so I'll buy some from B.G. Micro.
> Also, I scanned the ESB yoke sticker overlay. I don't have an (external) web
> page, but I can put it on my friends web page this evening and e-mail a link to
> those interested. Just in case I don't know what the hell I'm doing (which is
> likely), I'm sending it to Clay also.
> That's all for now.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mark Jenison E-mail address:
> Cellular Infrastructure Group Motorola--Arlington Heights, IL
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9     
 Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games), web page      
        "Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."
Received on Tue Nov 10 15:15:45 1998

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