> I'm still with Jeff A. on this one.....Once I repaired a LV
> section (without an LV2000) I've never had to repair it again....and
> I've been collecting for 2 1/2 years, and own every Atari color XY
> game.
For what it's worth, when I was doing the Sega Multigame, I had the
low-voltage section on a WG deflection board spontaneously smoke. The
board had been running fine after a Zanen Get-well kit for about a
month. Nothing tricky was going on deflection wise, and none of the
deflection transistors were bad-- the LV just roasted. Looked like a
Zener or transistor went. Installing the LV2000 without any other mods
or repairs fixed it.
So that's at least one case of unprovoked failure... In general though,
I do agree that the WG deflection board and HV is pretty reliable. For
a few bucks though the LV2000 is a nice bit of added insurance, IMHO.
(If an LV2000 prevents even one monitor repair it's worth it to me.
It's kind-of like a car alarm though-- if it's doing its job, you kinda
feel like you didn't need to buy it... ;-)
Received on Fri Nov 13 16:19:00 1998
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