RE: CPU Get well and AVG replacements

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Mon Nov 16 1998 - 13:54:11 EST

> At one time, didn't you discuss the development of
> a Atari color XY mutigame with Gravitar/BW & Space Duel ?
Yeah, that should work, but you'd need to start with a Gravitar/BW.
(Their hardware is more or less a super-set of the Space Duel stuff.)
It would take a bit more hardware than the CPU Get Well Kit has though.
(Or a fair-amount of software hacks which is pretty do-able.)

> Is SD a similar enough platform to 'fit' into this get well card ?
As a software hack, sure. Hardware-hack no. (At this point software
hack = hard, hardware hack = easy)

> Either way I would be interested in buying...whats the estimated
> cost of this card ?
I'm thinking sub-$30. Maybe as much as $35 with a new 6502 (if your
board is missing one or something). A little less for vectorlist-ers
(for a while at least).

(Kinda depends on how much the PCB's cost-- I've got a setup charge and
an as-of-yet TBD price increase for surface-mount devices on the board.
Since I'm not sure how many to buy yet I don't know what the per-unit
price increase is or how the setup charge burdens each board...)

I'll probably sell a Gravitar/Black Widow and Missile Command/Super
Missile Attack version for a few bucks more and include some stickers
and other stuff to differentiate it.

If anyone wants to write some new games for the old vector hardware (or
Pacman or Williams hardware for that matter) I might be interested in
buying them for inclusion on a Multigame. Don't expect to get rich and
retire or anything, but it'd sure score you some free hardware from me
or $$$ or something...

(Not to mention the fame, celebrity, and adoring hoards of nubile young
women (or men, whatever floats your boat) that are bound to flock to
anyone nerdy enough to write code for a 18 year old video game... ;-)

Received on Mon Nov 16 12:54:28 1998

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