Mark Jenison wrote:
> On Dec 2, 8:34am, Matt Rossiter - Verio Southern California wrote:
> > The quesiton I have is - In the G08-003 Schematics - the resistor R932 is
> > shown as .68 ohm 1 watt resistor. In the Parts list, it's shown as a 68
> > ohm resistor. ...and then on the schematics, pin 7 of the HV unit is
> > showing +63VAC while Mark Jenison's description shows pin 7 as being just
> > +6.3VAC.
> > BTW - If anyone would like to see the schematics, I can scan it in and put
> > it up on my website.
> They are already available on wiretap. The one on wiretape shows .68 ohms
> also, and I think it says +63VAC, but I can't be sure. I got those numbers
> from David Shuman a long time ago. I believe the +6.3VAC is for the heater,
> and since the tube is the same as the WG6100, my guess is that +6.3VAC is
> correct (which would imply that maybe a larger resistor would be called for;
> I'll verify for you tonight).
Hmmm... I'm trying to remember where I might have read those numbers, and after
3 years I must confess I have no idea where they came from.
But I agree with Mark--when one output of your power supply is 6.3 VAC, it would
be awfully strange to see 63 VAC somewhere in the circuit without a transformer
somewhere in between. :-)
In any case, if you're seeing 20 VAC on a 6.3 VAC line, that sounds like pretty
bad news. There is a 6.3 VAC output on the power supply--if you measure 20 VAC
there, that would be pretty good evidence that the PS is bad. In any case, I'd
be hesitant to fire up the monitor again knowing that the heater was getting
three times the voltage it was supposed to.
Good luck!
-- DaveReceived on Wed Dec 2 13:49:50 1998
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