A bunch of vector (and vector related) questions

From: Alan J McCormick <gonzothegreat_at_juno.com>
Date: Mon Dec 07 1998 - 06:51:39 EST

I'm trying to cobble together an Atari color vector test jig and I'm
trying to find a sub for the 50VAC center tapped transformer (or a
complete harness/PS if that's cheaper). Any sources?

Where can I find replacements for the two gears on the Star Wars flight
yoke? The gears one the one I have were trashed by the philistine who
trashed the cab (which had been converted to a Lock-On...cringe)

I have a few driving controllers from Badlands and Super Sprint. Is there
a way to use the opto mechs as Tempest type spinners? A knob would be
nice as well since Tempest with a steering wheel would be clumsy at best

Does anybody have a spare marquee bracket for the top of a SD UR?

Thanks in advance to the list!


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