Replacing the HV diode in a WG 19V2000

From: Andrew Wilson <>
Date: Mon Dec 07 1998 - 14:42:05 EST

        OK, I finally got my SK7333 diodes from Mouser, and I'm ready to replace the
HV diode in my Ast. Deluxe. As expected, the diodes are too large to fit in the
socket. Here's what I pulled from the vectorlist archive about replacing this diode:

>Rick Schieve < had some good advice about
>replacing these. Cut off the bad connectors. Solder the new diode
>directly to the bare wires (this is harder than it sounds, actually).
>Coat exposed leads with RTV silicone (available at any auto parts store;
>I use the red stuff). You must coat the exposed leads to insulate them
>or you will get very dagerous arcing of HV all over the place.

        The socket is actually in pretty good shape, so I'd prefer not to cut it off
if possible. Does anyone else have any other suggestions for how to do this, before I
make this mod?

        Finally, the cathode (the part the diode arrow ->| points to?) goes toward
the tube, right? I stupidly forgot to check the existing diode before I pulled it,
but that's what the schematics show, I think.

Received on Mon Dec 7 13:42:11 1998

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