I just did a rom comparision between the set Zonn dumped, and the one
I posted last week, and they were almost identical. I'm guessing my set
is the one with bit rot :-)
:romcmp "winny:Desktop Folder:grav3 Folder" "winny:Desktop Folder:unkGrav Folder"
10 and 10 files
136010.210 1xxxxxxxxxxx = 0xFF
136010.207 136010.207 IDENTICAL
136010.208 136010.208 IDENTICAL
136010.301 136010.x01 IDENTICAL
136010.302 136010.x02 IDENTICAL
136010.303 136010.x03 IDENTICAL
136010.304 136010.x04 IDENTICAL
136010.306 136010.x06 IDENTICAL
136010.309 136010.x09 99.951%
136010.210 [1st half] 136010.x10 99.951%
136010.305 136010.x05 91.431%
Received on Tue Dec 22 15:38:41 1998
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