9010 manuals

From: Al Kossow <aek_at_spies.com>
Date: Tue Dec 22 1998 - 18:35:10 EST

I just got a reply back from my query about what manuals are coming
so I will be able to cover these. If you get stuck finding someone
to scan the 9100 manuals that have 11 x 17 pages, I can take care of
those. These manuals take hours scan in and format well, so I'd
rather not have to do a foot high stack if I don't have to :-)

"AL, I recieved the check, I'm just now getting the stuff together. I do
have some of the manuals, lets see;

        9010A Operator Manual
        9010A Programming Manual
        9000A-68000 Interface Pod Instruction Manual
Received on Tue Dec 22 17:34:46 1998

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