Re: Logic Analyzers....

From: Joel Rosenzweig <>
Date: Wed Dec 30 1998 - 13:46:54 EST

Tom, and vector list,

I have an HP 1630G. The 1630 series is fairly capable, considering its circa
1985 creation date. Just so you have some price comparisons, I picked up by
1630G for $175 non working. I picked up at variant of the 1630D, with a
digital oscilloscope add on, working, for $300. I see the surplus dealers in
Nuts N Volts magazine sell the 1630 series for about $500 - $800.

I think the 1630G is a good machine, but I have no experience with the Tek to
compare it to. I think the performance of the 1630 would shine if it had
processor modules to go with it, as these are used to setup the machine to show
all the control, data, and address signals for that processor, plus included
software will dissasemble the code in real time. Now that's cool. That's a
typical option for most any analyzer. You just have to find the pods for the
processor you care about. I don't believe that a pod for a 6502 on the 1630
exists though! That's the biggest dissapointment for me, given I'd like to use
it with all my Atari games. There is a custom programmable processor module
available, but I haven't had my hands on one to see if it could easily perform
the functions of a 6502 pod.

So, if you can get a pod for a processor that you care about for the machine
you are looking at, that's a big win. Otherwise, you'll end up dissasembling
the code yourself, if you find that you need such functionality.


TomW wrote:

> Ok, so its not Vector releated, but, this is where the game Tech Geeks hang
> out, so if
> your pardon the question...
> My Tek 7D01 LA, finally died and I'm looking to 'upgrade' but I'm Having
> some
> difficulty location spec's for some units...
> Currently, I'm looking at a
> TEK 1240 or an HP 1320 (if I got the model #'s correct...)
> Any feeling on either ?? Any one have/know of one for sale ?? or
> recommendations
> on a different unit, I'm trying to keep the cost around 500, I don't see
> myself needing
> 64 channels at 200mhz (not yet...)
> TomW
Received on Wed Dec 30 12:44:11 1998

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