RE: Star Wars/Wells Gardner 6100 Problem

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Wed Feb 03 1999 - 11:35:55 EST

I just bought a bunch of parts from Digikey so on the same order I
*finally* got around to buying a handful of 8.2,10, and 12 V
bidirectional TVS's. In theory, those should "pass" anthing under the
cutoff voltage and clamp anything above it. Should make for a pretty
tough input protection circuit. I'll have to experiment with 'em...

> ----------
> From: Franklin Bowen[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 1999 7:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Star Wars/Wells Gardner 6100 Problem
> Does the two diodes attached to the X and two diodes attached to Y mod
> make
> you safe from this type of problem (described in Gregg Woodcock's XY
> FAQ)?
> I've been thinking about doing this for some time now because MH and
> SW
> base explosions and Tempest flying to the next level apparently cause
> a LOT
> of stress (I can HEAR it).
> "Dennis Shirk" <> on 02/03/99 10:36:18 AM
> Please respond to
> To:
> cc: (bcc: Franklin Bowen/MD/CheckFree)
> Subject: Re: Star Wars/Wells Gardner 6100 Problem
> So this sounds familiar, huh? Doh!
> Would it be a good idea for me to start tracking down another 19" WG,
> or
> should I try to rule out possible other problems first?
> BTW, if it is the problem you mentioned below, would the whole monitor
> have
> to be replaced, or is that something that can be repaired?
> Thanks!
> Dennis Shirk
> >For what it's worth, this is what killed my monitor when I was
> *first*
> >working on the kits-- hence the warning about switching with the game
> >on.
> >
> >Clay's techy idea on what can happen:
> >
> >I think you can switch and still have the code land in a segment that
> >refreshes the watchdog, but the vector generator crashes.
> >Max-deflection for very long = dead monitor. Someday I should
> probably
> >redesign the kit to have the bank-selection switch go into a PAL and
> >then have the PAL yank reset for a few clocks after the switch
> changes
> >states. I'd want to *really* fix those nasty old 2212 NOVRAMs at the
> >same time though by replacing it with some kind of EEPROM, so the
> >project gets larger and I keep putting it off...
> >
> >-Clay
Received on Wed Feb 3 10:35:59 1999

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