Re: Tempest Spinner Question

From: Franklin Bowen <>
Date: Tue Feb 09 1999 - 15:40:54 EST

But once you have this sound, the only way to get rid of it is to replace
the support sleeve, right? So the next questions are:
1) Where do I get a replacement support sleeve?
2) Where do I get Teflon lubricant?
3) How often should I lube that puppy? (Al Kossow) on 02/09/99 03:31:05 PM

Please respond to

cc: (bcc: Franklin Bowen/MD/CheckFree)
Subject: Re: Tempest Spinner Question

"I always thought that sound was from worn bearings."

I hope this doesn't start the 'chatter vs non-chatter'
flame war again.. some people like the sound, some don't.
The sound comes from wear on the support sleeve, which
gradially becomes elipitcal instead of circular due to
lack of lubrication wearing it down. Teflon lubricant
takes care of the problem (if you consider it a problem..)
Received on Tue Feb 9 14:39:16 1999

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