Re: Multie Games was Re: remapping controls

From: Franklin Bowen <>
Date: Wed Feb 10 1999 - 09:43:12 EST

Nice! Doesn't the added control affect your SW playing though? And do you
have power through your connecters too, or just controls, XY, and audio?

Chris Bright <> on 02/10/99 09:26:24 AM

Please respond to

cc: (bcc: Franklin Bowen/MD/CheckFree)
Subject: Multie Games was Re: remapping controls

Franklin Bowen wrote:

> I did something like that but manually. I came up with my own Atari
> Standard Vector Connecter (I think 72 pin .156" edge connecter)

Some of you many have seen

These are picks of my Starwars game that also plays Tempest, Gravitar
and Space Duel. I used a DB-37 and DB-25 also connectors for the
games... you change two connectors to change games.... takes about
5 seconds! I has been working fine for about 3 years... had to replace
a connector, but that was because I did it poorly in the first place.

Later, Chris Bright
Vid page
Received on Wed Feb 10 08:41:44 1999

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