RE: new battlezone owner

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Thu Feb 11 1999 - 19:57:27 EST

> The other problem is the monitor. I'm an EE, so understand the
> basics of
> the electrolytic cap problems common to these monitors. I have no
> experience working on them, however. My game works perfectly, until
> it's
> been on a while. After a few games, the display balloons until the
> score
> and radar are no longer visible and the tank field is bigger.
Hmmm. Does this sounds like the HV Diode failing to anyone else?
Screen bloom would be a drop-off in HV if memory serves. As a general
rule a preventative "cap kit" on the monitor probably won't hurt (and
re-soldering the pins on the board connectors is probably a good idea

> Seems temperature related. This could point to the
> electrolytic caps, no? I'm hoping a cap kit will get me running, but
> don't
> know much about the display driver circuits.
I'd give it 70-30 on the HV diode myself vs. caps, but there's plenty of
possibilties in those old monitors... ;-)

> oren from Portland OR
Ahhhh! Almost local! I'm over in Vancouver, WA...

Received on Thu Feb 11 18:57:44 1999

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