Speaking of pods, I had a small triumph this morning. I ordered a Z-80
pod a couple of weeks ago from Naptech. The cost was originally $125 +
shipping and it came with a nice condition manual. After a couple of
weeks they called me up and said they weren't able to get it working and
that I could buy it from them for $50 as is. I said OK. When I finally
got it, I was able to fix it within just a couple of hours. The
troubleshooter kept saying "UUT Power Failure - Attempting Reset". So I
knew the problem was on the Pod's processor board. I finally narrowed the
problem down to the 6532 I/O chip, swapped it - and got myself a working
Z-80 pod with the manual for only $50.
Just thought I'd share. :)
On Sat, 13 Feb 1999, Jeff Anderson wrote:
> Just reading Clay's post on the 9010 programs..
> I've been flipping through the 9100 manuals the past couple days (read: it
> takes a couple days to read through it all) and I'm
> getting an itch to start screwing around with it.. its just kinda hard
> when I still have yet to pick up a 6502 pod.. Has anybody written any TL/1
> programs for testing Atari boards? With an I/O pod or two (and a full
> compliment of clip adapters) you could do some pretty cool stuff with a
> nice GFI program.. Similar to that computer based tester AL was talking
> about on RGVAC. Maybe pick an object in the vector ROM to draw on the
> screen, then read the signatures off the ICs in the vector generator
> through an I/O pod.. pulse the inputs and read them back.. etc.
Received on Sat Feb 13 14:44:36 1999
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