>On Feb 16, 10:20am, Ray Ghanbari wrote:
>> Subject: Re: Sega XY - free play
>> Mark Jenison wrote:
>> >
>> > On Feb 16, 9:07am, Clay Cowgill wrote:
>> > > Subject: RE: Sega XY - free play
>> > > Which do you think is better-- always having two credits, or some
>> > > "magic" button combo that adds a credit while in demo mode?
>> >
>> > Personally, I'd rather always have 2 credits (home version of the
>> > pinball does). Much more user friendly than trying to explain "button
>> > to people.
>> With the Sega games, do you lose the attract mode? That would be a
>> shame with games like Space Fury.
>Space Fury doesn't lose it's attract mode, but Tac/Scan and Star Trek do
>sure :-(. Forgot about that point.
>> I'm still keen on having the start button trigger a credit, then trigger
>> start (double pulse). I thought that the most elegant solution (can
>> still be done in software eliminating the need for the seperate PCBs
>> with the 555s)
>I'd be happiest with a software solution also.
A better solution might be found by turning the problem around,
so-to-speak. Instead of ADDING coins/credits why not change the
REQUIRED credits. If required =0 then play is always enabled.
The coin timer routine would be avoided and the attract mode
should still be enabled. After a player button is pressed a comparison
of required credits to accumulated credits is made. This would be
a good point to make the change.It should be an easy fix.
In theory... ;-)
And I'm not volunteering.
Dave Fish | "We want...Information. INFORMATION
Melrose, MA USA | You won't get it!
dfish AT bev.etn.com (work) | By hook or by crook we will"
fishd AT pop.tiac.net (/work) | _The Prisoner_
Received on Tue Feb 16 14:11:42 1999
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