Re: Lunar Lander on Asteroids. :-)

From: Doug Jefferys <>
Date: Thu Feb 18 1999 - 20:55:32 EST

On Thu, 18 Feb 1999, Ray Ghanbari wrote:
> I got one! Analog thrust for Asteroids (solves the thrust/button thing
> with LL/Ast) I always wanted more control with thrust. Max thrust
> could be a lot more aggressive than the current thrust accelleration.

Ever since I RTS'd out the "friction" routine that slows your ship down
in outer space I wanted to add gravity to the rocks. Imagine asteroids
sliding around/through each other, and/or slingshotting your way around
obstacles as you blast away.

I doubt we could compute gravity for every object on the screen, but it
might be possible to keep track of inter-object distances and compute a
rough approximation of gravity for the nearest "n" (n=2 or 3?) objects.

Failing that, the bullets could probably be made to obey the laws of
gravity, even if the asteroids didn't, which would be a cool mod for
something like Space Duel :)


 dougj   |
   @     | |
Received on Thu Feb 18 19:55:44 1999

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