Productize it?Re: Lunar Lander on Asteroids. :-)

From: Frank Kannemann <>
Date: Thu Feb 18 1999 - 23:46:29 EST


Cool again Clay ;-)!

Are you going to build and they will buy it?

Once I get my monitor going I will be interested in one...

Uhm, did you see the color asteriods mods? I don't think I saw them

Clay Cowgill wrote:
> Hee. Hee-hee-hee. :-)
> Working!
> After fighting with MAME a bit I got all my patches working.
> (I think MAME's vector display is a flash-tube-- seems like stuff stays
> on the screen even if the DMAGO isn't being strobed :-) For some
> inexplicable reason MAME also shifts the screen "down" in the Asteroids
> driver (so running LL code on MAME's Asteroids driver results in the
> bottom 1/5th of the screen getting chopped off-- real hardware doesn't
> do that. Beats me.)
> So, I now have Lunar Lander running on an Asteroids board with only
> software mods (and a close relative of my CPU Get Well Kit board).
> Button mappings seem OK (Rotate, abort, coins, start, test, etc.).
> LL's self test code is expecting "real" Lunar Lander hardware and dies
> when run on an Asteroids board normally-- I fixed that though and was
> able to verify Dave's test screens (diagonal line, cross hatch, ">",
> intensity, etc.) with the test button strobe.
> Apparently when the ROMs are working correctly you see that 8 9 10 11 12
> message in self test (I also get 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 and a bunch of
> others because of the patches apparently). The factory test docs I have
> say something to the effect the you will see the sequence of numbers
> instead of "ROMS OK" if the foreign language ROM is NOT installed.
> (They must have stored the more verbose test mode strings in the third
> Vector ROM.)
> Anyone an expert on LL software versions? Seems that one version allows
> the lander to rotate 360 degrees, where the other allows only 180? Or
> did I select a different level or something that allows you 360 degree
> control?
> I still need to patch up the sound code, but it all looks OK so far.
> Played a few games with only rotational control and the Abort button.
> That's kinda fun when it doesn't cost quarters to experiment. ;-)
> Without sound patches I've rewritten about 2% of the LL code to run on
> Asteroids. Not too bad...
> On to Asteroids Deluxe!
> -Clay
Received on Thu Feb 18 22:49:06 1999

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