Hi Tom!
Problems with output stages on the ASteroids will NOT show up in the
self test. The micro can only test stuff it gets some sort of feedback
from... So, you will need to do some more research into your problem. I
have some info on the self test extended test covered in the Atari test
fixture that I don't recall is mentioned in the manual. Let's see
(memory cells fading) something to the affect of putting game into test,
then tripping the slam(?) switch, then some other switch...aw the heck
with it I'll post it tomorrow (If I remember), what the point of this
test is, to draw a single 45 degree line diagonally across the screem,
then generate a tiny triangle in the middle of it, thus showing that
certain functions are happy in the output stages. I also did get around
to using a frequency counter on the 191's while the game is in the test
screen and got some readings that I find useful to troubleshoot that
area. Again, time.... Business is a bit too slow for me to take the time
to scan and post these, any nuts in this area of the world that would
like to do it on the side? Dang I should have asked Brendon K. when he
was in the shop wandering around for a few hours today...
John :-#)#
ps, interested in a few of the Asteroids overlays at least, I have two
cabinets awaiting time to rebuild the monitors and wiring harnesses...
TomW wrote:
> Gang,
> With all this talk about LL's I got to thinking (Dangerous I know), would
> there be a demand for LL Overlays ???
> I'm going to do Asteroids next, I got a panel lined up to do the artwork, so
> if LL is in demand, I would need someone to 'loan' me a panel for awhile
> (don't need the controls) to duplicate... Need at least 10 interested
> parties to make this work, it takes about 60 days to complete a cycle if all
> goes well...
> Opinions ???
> BTW" Nobody has any further ideas on my Asteroids with No Test Pattern
> problem :-( ?
> TomW
-- John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9 Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games) mailto:jrr_at_flippers.com, web page http://www.flippers.com "Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."Received on Fri Feb 19 00:33:47 1999
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