Re: Lunar Lander on Asteroids. :-)

From: Tom Cloud <>
Date: Mon Feb 22 1999 - 18:59:01 EST

Help! Could someone please clear up my confusion about this???

The thread subject is LL on Asteroids. So, what Clay is building here
is an adapter to run LL and A.D. on a Asteroids machine? Somewhere
I heard about LL/A.D./Asteroids in color, or was I dreaming? Will this
board run in a color vector game cab or in a Asteroids cab?

How about Asteroids and A.D. in a LL cab? (Thinking now I should've
kept my A.D. cabinet! Arggg!) Still have my LL though!

Sorry about the dumb questions, I'm just getting confused with all
this talk of adapters and b/w games being played in color and so

Tom Cloud

>Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 16:05:58 -0800

From: Ray Ghanbari <ray@Agouron.COM>
>Subject: Re: Lunar Lander on Asteroids. :-)
>Clay Cowgill wrote:
>> In a nutshell I think the answer is "yes". I have a NOS thrust
>> controller from Atari, but never ran across a Lunar Lander board-- so
>> I'm doing this for my own selfish reasons too. ;-)
>Arg! Trade a working LL PCB for the NOS thrust controller???? ;-)
>Seriously, anyone have a spare LL thrust controller or control panel
>sitting around? I traded my spare LL control panel to someone doing a
>restoration. What I'm really looking for is the thrust controller.

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Received on Mon Feb 22 17:59:33 1999

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