RE: Rare vector finds web page

From: Doug Jefferys <>
Date: Wed Feb 24 1999 - 19:27:37 EST

On Wed, 24 Feb 1999, Clay Cowgill wrote:
> Supposedly Hard-Drive'n started out on the third Atari vector platform--
> a DSP hybrid that was to replace the Analog Vector Generator, but a bad
> rap with operators sealed its fate and AFAIK none were ever released...

I've heard the same thing - as well as that there was going to be a flight
sim based on the platform. I'm not sure if a prototype for either (vector
flight sim / vector driving sim) was ever built, but that explains the
prevalence of DSP gear in the Hard Drivin' / Stun Runner polygon line.

ObHack (non-vector related, but would have been vector-related in a world
where a third Atari vector platform existed):

..."underclocking" one of the CPUs in Stun Runner to slow things down
enough to make a near-perfect run through the "final challenge" - and
seeing the enclosed area that should have been the last part of the
track, but still being nowhere near the finish line.

(One of these days I'll try to figure out how the times are allocated per
level and find out what happens at the end of the game. Anybody got a
STUN Runner board set from a trashed cabinet? Sadly, I had to return my
set to the operator who loaned it to me for repair :-)


 dougj   |
   @     | |
Received on Wed Feb 24 18:27:44 1999

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