RE: Rare vector finds web page

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Fri Feb 26 1999 - 12:23:10 EST

> Nightmare? Never heard this one mentioned in the settlement. Never
> heard
> of this game. What's it all about? Is it vector? It's NOT listed
> in KLOV. Anyone, any info, clues please...
I've got Nightmare. (two of them actually, I don't know of any

It's basically a Food-Fight board with a different memory layout and a
big daughtercard that supports digitized speech and some inputs.
They're prototypes-- one is actually a prototype Foodfight which was
then converted to Nightmare, the other is just a hacked up Food Fight.

It's a vertical raster game. The controls are a joystick with a
firebutton and a spinner. Given the screen orientation and control
system I think it was intended to be a conversion for TRON.

The plot goes something like: you're this (mad) scientist that was
"banished to the realm of dreams" where you're now just a disembodied
head that can move things through mental energy. To escape each "level"
you need to aquire keys and avoid or destroy enemies. You have 360
degree aiming with the spinner and 8-way movement with the joystick and
firing from the button. You get attacked by (large) numbers of various
creepy-hellish kinda stuff. Skulls, bones, weird amoeba-like stuff.
You're apparently trying to wind your way through the underworld out to
the real world. The game looks complete, although it wasn't yet fully
"Atari-ized". (Still bears GCC copyright, etc.)

I've been (slowly) disecting the thing and collecting parts (old OKI
ADPCM chips) to build a conversion kit for Food Fight boards. It'll be
a one-way trip for the food-fight though.

Received on Fri Feb 26 11:23:30 1999

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