RE: Go8 Heater issues

From: Todd Miller <>
Date: Mon Mar 01 1999 - 11:50:22 EST

I have noticed a similar problem in my Space Fury,
It's more like expanding as it doesn't do it all the time.
During normal game play the display is fine. It's most
noticeable when the screen is blank, then when a image
is displayed, it expands outward into place, from the
center in all directions (maybe ½ inch of 'growth') it
doesn't expand beyond the screen boundaries like most
HV problems cause. It's dependent on what is displayed,
I don't notice it in Space Fury, but when I play Eliminator,
it's noticeable (I think it's because of the three line boarder
around the play field) Anyone have an idea ? One of these
days I'll crack down and buy a HV probe, maybe this would
help to diag these HV probs.

Todd Miller, LAN Analyst
Ron Weber and Associates
103 E. State Street, Mason City, IA 50401
(515)423-4293/(515)423-4594 FAX

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Mark E Davidson []
        Sent: Friday, February 26, 1999 8:05 PM
        Subject: Go8 Heater issues

        My Go8 in my Star Trek is freeking out upon power up.
        I know the voltage heater for the tube comes out of the HV unit
But what
        this set is doing is going bright and dim and the picture is
shrinking and
        expanding as the machine runs. The reason for all this is
because the
        heater voltage is changing. You can actually see the filaments
        from hot to cooler as the monitor runs and there is also changes
in the
        typical high voltage sound that all monitors make. Where do I
start in a

        repair? Ideas?
Received on Mon Mar 1 10:56:30 1999

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