> Battlezone/Food Fight Centering Bellows
> My estimates are that it might be a little harder that the factory
> original,
> but
> better than nothing. I am expecting samples of the cured rubber
> (actually,
> duothane if anyone cares) to pick the hardness factor, and I have a
> guy
> making a proto mold to mess with. The price I'd like to keep around
> $10-15
> each, again, is there interest in this?
Hey Tom-- Count me in for at least two. Glad to see you working on
Just an FYI to everyone, I'm in something of a project feeding-frenzy
now... This is what I'm working on, roughly in order of completion:
1) 6502 CPU Get Well Kits ($25-$35 range depending on configuration)
2) Tempest Multigame (price not set)
3) Asteroids/LL/Deluxe Multigame (price not set, but probably $99)
4) Exidy 440 Multigame (price not set, but probably over $99 and under
5) Cinematronics -> Wells Gardner Monitor Adapter (price not set, bur
probably about $50)
6) AVG Replacement (price not set, probably around $25-30)
The 6502 CPU Get well kits are getting redesigned. (Yes, again.) I
just bought a bunch of surface-mount equipment and got a lot of surface
mount parts to complete the kits so I'll be shrinking the design down.
(I've discovered that reflow-soldering a bunch of surface mount stuff
all at once is considerably more fun than soldering individual
components. ;-)
How's Mark's Cinematronics Multigame coming along?
Received on Fri Mar 19 12:29:29 1999
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