> I was expecting to have the boards back this month, but so far time
> hasn't permitted it. Unfortunately my [day] job doesn't allow me the
> luxury of getting very much project work done during "lunch". ;-)
A definate benefit of living about 2 miles from work... :-)
> Hum, if you can do reflow now, maybe I'll subcontract...
> (What's your paste screen charge?)
Geez, how many are you planning on building?!?! :-) (I think screens
are about $600 on 24 hour turn, but I don't have a screen printer...
well, not one that's very easy to get at anyway...) For the Tempest
Multigame, Asteroids Multigame, and CPU Get Well kits I'm using surface
mount stuff for the most part. I've got a hot plate with convection
reflow and a nice new OK paste dispenser and hot-air pencil for
touch-up. I've been hand-pasting the Pacman daughtercards and just
reflowing them with very good results so far. I do 12-up per panel on
those, and for the number I make it's not a big deal to hand-paste. If
your boards are soldermasked they're pretty easy to build with my
stuff--I can certainly help build some for you if you like...
Received on Mon Mar 22 14:16:33 1999
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