Pole Position 2 Help

From: Jeff Bovee <jbovee_at_voyager.net>
Date: Sat Apr 03 1999 - 16:08:26 EST

If any of you can help me out, I'm looking for the EPROM at location 4K on the CPU board P/N 137351-001 If you have an extra or the image you can send me I may be able to find someone around that can burn it (I really need to break down and buy a EPROM Burner). Thanks in advance for your help!

Jeff Bovee

BTW For those of you who were following my ongoing saga with my Asteroids game, I was never able to get my Rev 6 board up and working despite some great help from many members of this list. Luckily I met up with a guy who sold me a working board for a mere $20. Although my attempt at repair on this board ended poorly, anyone who would like my research notes is welcome to them. I had planned to put them up on a web page, but I haven't and it's not fair to keep them to myself. Let me know if you want me to e-mail you a copy of what I was able to find out. Thanks again to everyone who contributed to me.
Received on Sat Apr 3 15:09:55 1999

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