Re: AVG programming question...

From: Frank Kannemann <>
Date: Thu Apr 15 1999 - 18:13:53 EDT


I interrupt this code segment to say this:


I knew this was vectorlist...But I didn't expect
to see vector instruction code flying by in email...


Some of you guys are scary :-)

I wish I could help...but everyone else who
can't decode vector lists chant after me....

"...we are not worthy...."
"...we are not worhty...."

What's this about Space Duel stuff? Can you give us a hint?

I now return you to your regularly scheduled vector list coding-fest....


P.S. I am not complaining..just in awe ;-)

P.S.2 Has any every tried to fly some of these code things by the
original guys from Atari (Ed Logg..etc)
Received on Thu Apr 15 17:16:41 1999

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