Re: I, Robot board troubles and manual PDF request

From: Jess Askey <>
Date: Wed Apr 21 1999 - 17:01:36 EDT

Eric Glanz wrote:
> Anyway the problems I see are listed below:
> 1. No text in the robot text 'bubbles'
> 2. No enemy graphics when the robot is flying between levels.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone has the PDFs of the
> manuals, please let me know!

Schems are up on GameArchive in the Atari Raster section.

Sounds like you may just have a priority problem which is usually at
the 'end' of the
video section of raster games right before the color RAM. Im guessing
this only
because the enemy graphics are there at one point and then gone at
another. If you
have *any* 3D graphics at all,Im guessing that the Mathbox is working
You may want to go into Doodle City where you have more explicit
control over
the 3D graphics and see if anything there is acting funny. Doodle city
also only has 3D graphics plus alpha-numeric text (which BTW is
than the text in the 'bubbles') which means it only has a few of the
priority levels used (Im guessing). The vector mathbox is an extreme
'little brother'
to the raster mathbox. You should find the person that wrote the MAME
driver for I,Robot
and talk to him about this. Or, dig out the MAME driver and see what
you can find for
explanations of the hardwares. Hopefully, the source is fully
commented!! ;-)

The RAM on I,Robot is known to fail easily. So if George did indeed
replace all those little
DIP's and you still have the *exact* problem, You are probably better
off. Well, only if he
used sockets, please tell me he did?? :-0
Received on Wed Apr 21 16:03:24 1999

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