Re: B/W X/Y?

From: Jeff Anderson <>
Date: Sat May 01 1999 - 00:02:44 EDT

> I'm not sure if the G05 was designed and/or in production yet,
> but it probably took somebody with more clout (i.e. Atari) to make
> it worthwhile for Electrohome to spend the time and effort to design
> it.

I think they already had the G05 for other applications but it was
basically Atari that influenced them to improve the design into the -802.
I remember reading somewhere that some police districts like dallas used a
communications system that had G05s as the displays..

The Quadrascan color XY display was designed in-house at Atari by Rick
Moncreif (of Hard drivin & Race drivin fame). I dont know how WG ended up
building it but I'm sure Atari wanted to farm out the monitor
manufacturing so they didnt have to build a new plant. Apparently WG was
the lowest bidder.. and they called it the 19k6100.

Received on Fri Apr 30 23:02:46 1999

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