> Can anyone recommend a good EPROM burner?
I'm really fond of my "EMUP" (JDR Microdevices/MCT). Does PALs, GALs,
EEPROMs, EPROMs, Flash, tests TTL and CMOS logic, test SRAMs, etc. The
software, alas, kinda sucks. It's also DOS based.
I like my Needham's PB-10 too, but it's DOS based as well, although I do
like the software. Quirky, but functional. My PB-10 alas has proven
somewhat flakey-- been in for repair twice and still likes to *read* a
lot better than *write*. To be fair though, I've had it for ten years--
so that's only about $1.00 a month for as long as I've had it. ;-)
I don't know of much windows based programmer stuff. I think the new BP
Microsystems stuff (or was it Data I/O?) is Windows based, but probably
a bit expensive. In the back of EETimes lately there's been a "new" (to
me) company that's doing some neat programmer stuff-- EPROM programmers
that install into the 5 1/4" drive bay on your PC and whatnot. Looks
kinda cool.
Received on Mon May 3 12:14:26 1999
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